Letter: Charity shops - Let's support these shops

Beulah Street, Harrogate.Beulah Street, Harrogate.
Beulah Street, Harrogate.
I am writing to express my disgust at the letters published in last week's newspaper regarding Harrogate's charity shops.

I really don’t understand what issue anyone, trader or not, could have with these essential charity outlets.

I have been in work for all of my working life, and am fortunate enough to be able to afford to shop locally when I can. I support local butchers and bakers for my provisions and shop in independent shops when I can.

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I do however have friends who have fallen on harder times and have relied on charity shops for clothes and other essentials. They have also turned to charity shops for more luxury items such as books and DVD’s for their children.

I personally have always found myself most welcome in these shops, which are run by some of the most wonderful volunteers. They are cheerful, helpful, polite and given me a smile when perhaps I needed one most.

A letter writer pointed out her two favourite shops; The Nines and Valtiara. I find it laughable she compares shops selling high end luxuries with charity shops selling a used ball gown for less than a tenner. The two simply cannot be compared and nor are they in any way competition for each other.

Please support local charity shops, run by local good hearted volunteers for local shoppers. What is the alternative? An empty boarded up shop front benefitting no one in the town? Long live the bargain!

Chris Wingate

Bryony Road, Harrogate

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